Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Tuesday Edition
August 14th, 2012

What's the Latest

Replacement Refs: Out with Old, in With New?

That may be the way of the NFL world for the moment, but is that a good thing or bad? The replacement refs have been far from spectacular thus far this preseason and we have only seen one week of work.

It’s hard to take either side in this matter, when you consider the current state of the economy and the fact these guys are well paid; considering they only work about half the year. After reading a couple of articles and understanding a little more of what’s at stake, of course the issue is money. The Refs want more and the League wants to give them less; business as usual.

In the short term, the League and the Refs both need to make some concessions here and get the men in stripes back on the field for greater good of the game. What the league needs to understand, they need these professionals working now to protect their investment; the game itself and the 1500 or so players.

The game needs the regular referees need to get back on the field and open an on-going negotiation (through-out the season) that will make them full-time employees and get them a reasonable pay-increase. This is not a situation that you want to test the waters and hope for the best. Remember the NFL is a multi-billion dollar industry; they need to protect the players and the integrity of the game.

Replacements is not the answer, this is just an un-wise temporary solution to a long term problem. The two sides need to get back to the table and agree to get the regular zebras back on the gridiron.

Chad Johnson Done for Now?

Following his arrest Saturday for domestic violence, Chad Johnson’s comeback in 2012 has been halted and put on ice. It’s very unfortunate to see something like this happen; it’s an ugly situation and unfortunate for both Chad and Evelyn.

I can only say Chad has no one to blame but himself. Only he and Evelyn know the truth of what happened, but for Chad at this point that’s irrelevant. When you are considered an NFL Diva and a high profile athlete, you have to be ready for the baggage and responsibility that comes with that territory. You also have to be not only responsible for your actions, but accountable for the decisions you make; a profanity laced press conference, getting married so quickly, etc.

Chad Johnson has built this persona and image about himself as some kind of character (Ochocinco). He often work so hard at creating and living up to this persona, without realizing that he is also alienating himself from his team and other players. It’s not to say this is good or bad, but for some it’s often considered baggage.

And at 34 years of age and coming off a dismal showing with the Patriots last season, Johnson can hardly afford any slip up. You can get away with some things when you are on top, but when you have become irrelevant and considered sometimes a distraction; you have no room for error.

Johnson was on the comeback trail, but after a disappointing stint in New England, the recent events, and his poor display in Miami, any thoughts of a comeback undoubtedly will be put on hold for the time being.

Johnson may be staying positive and hoping he’ll get another chance with another NFL team, but certainly he’s got more serious matters pressing at the moment. His comeback will have to wait.

By David Ortega

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