Saturday, December 3, 2011


December 3rd, 2011, Saturday



From an observers perspective, stopping the Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow and the Denver offense is much easier said than done. If you have been paying attention to any of the several NFL shows broadcasting on TV or reading the latest excerpts from the many websites on the net, you get the feeling this has become quite the popular subject. It’s something that has been at the forefront of discussions for several weeks now; funny thing is the topic doesn’t seem to be going away.

While all of the NFL and expert analysts share their opinion as to why the Tebow led offense can’t work and how to stop it, over the past four weeks Tebow-mania continues the roll and Broncos keep winning. Maybe one of the reasons everyone seems to be getting it wrong when they are sharing their thoughts is because while most do know what they are talking about, perhaps they are only thinking in conventional terms and methods.

How do you stop something that is so unconventional and unorthodox?

In hindsight I would have to offer, if you are going to game-plan to stop the Tebow-machine, you can’t use conventional or conservative means. When you face a team that does not throw the ball, when faced with a passing situation you can’t send your nickel or dime package on the field; hellooo, they don’t throw the ball.

I will be the first to admit, I am quickly becoming a fan of Tebowmania, although it is painful to watch on Sundays. But one thing I keep telling myself, this is how they do it, this is how He (Tebow) does it. It’s not going to look pretty and it’s not going to look much like anything I am used to seeing.

There are flaws in this offense and scheme, but I can see that it’s something the Broncos have identified and continue to work on. Let’s face it, the Denver passing game is a work in progress and unfortunately for opposing defenses, there is just enough there to do some damage and make plays.

So how do you stop Tebow and the Broncos offense; maybe you start by asking teams in the SEC? Or maybe you stop putting together a normal defensive game-plan and realize you are not facing a normal offense. I am not sure that there really is a viable answer, although I am sure we will hear more opinions over the weekend from many offering their thoughts on the subject.

The funniest part I see through all of this, while so many continue to nay-say and believe the success of Tebow and Broncos offense can’t continue, Tebow and company just keep rolling along to the tune of four straight wins. With a 2-9 Vikings team next on the agenda, this whole song of dance of how they (Tebow and the Broncos) can’t keep to doing what they keep getting done may have to continue at least for another week.

Just my thoughts and my take on the subject….

By David Ortega

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