Wednesday, January 5, 2011


January 5th, 2010 Wednesday

Can Anyone Beat the Patriots?

After an impressive campaign where they went 14-2 and there average margin of victory this season was better than 12 points, you can’t help but see the similarities in this year’s Patriot’s team and their undefeated 2007 team. This season’s version lacks quite the explosion of the older, but just the same if you ask their 2010 foes they will tell you this year’s Patriot’s team is quite capable of putting points on the board.

The Patriots ran buck-wild down the stretch winning their last eight straight games outscoring their opponents 299-125. Quarterback Tom Brady has been particularly effective during this run averaging 260 yards passing per game, 22 touchdowns, and no interceptions. He is also completing better than 68 percent of his passes and finished the 2010 season with an NFL leading passer rating of 111.1.

With the playoffs set to start this weekend, folks have to be asking can anyone beat the Patriots. This was the same question posed in 2007 when the Patriots entered the post season undefeated and while the question was valid then, does it apply in 2010?

The Patriots have at times looked invincible with impressive wins over teams like Pittsburgh (39-26), New York Jets (45-3), and Chicago (36-7), but unlike their 2007 predecessor this team has been vulnerable.

While the Patriots appear complete, two areas of concern and possible weakness will be defending the run and protecting Tom Brady. In both losses this season the Patriots defense struggled with the run game, allowing nearly five yards per carry to the Jets and well over six yards to the Browns.

Pass protection has not been a huge issue for Brady, who has only been sacked 25 times this season. Just like his magical year when the Patriots rolled through their regular schedule undefeated, poise in the pocket is the key for success. Offensively teams like the Steelers, Ravens, and Jets that can commit to the ground game may find some early success, but the only way you are going to stop Brady; you are going to have to stop Brady.

The Patriots quarterback is Mr. Cool in the pocket and if given time he can pick any defense apart. A big key for any of the defenses likely to face New England in the post season is going to be able to bring pressure with their front four and in particular up the middle. Brady likes to sit deep in the pocket and scan the field, pressure in his face and on the edge are the ticket to success (just ask the 2007 Giants).

It’s easy to say, but will be a daunting task to execute as the Patriots 14-2 record has shown. If any team has any chance of keeping pace, it will take more than a great effort; a mistake free endeavor. Can anyone beat the Patriots, I’m sure there are a couple of teams that have a shot, but if I was a wagering man I would not place that bet.

Just my take.

By David Ortega

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