Wednesday, February 16, 2011


February 16th, 2011 Wednesday
What's the Latest

Bailey On the Move?
With little change on the front in Denver, it sounds like cornerback Champ Bailey is speaking loud and clear. The Denver Post is reporting that Bailey has put his Denver home on the market; is it a ploy to get a deal done or is he leaving. The words coming from the new Bronco’s head coach John Fox would indicate they would like to have the 10-time Pro Bowler back in 2011, but whether that happens remains to be seen. If the team does not re-sign Bailey prior to a new collective bargaining agreement between the league and Players’ Union, he will become an unrestricted free agent. There is no question, the team is more likely to re-sign him while he is under contract, and once he hits the market he is as good as gone. I don’t believe the new Elway regime has any interest in getting involved with a bidding war for Bailey’s services.

The NFL (& NFL Network) Meets Twitter
It’s pretty amazing how all of us, even some of the networks on TV (a network closely related to the NFL, but I won’t say which) are easily influenced or at least entertained enough to humor the many tweets of Twitter. It seems these days nothing gets past Twitter and nothing said on Twitter can escape the eyes of the sports world (or all-world for that matter). When comments are made by an analyst on TV and then get repeated on Twitter and that causes controversy, you know some folks just have too much time on their hands if they’re following this. What I find real amazing is how so many buy into this social media world of entertainment and run with it like its’ verified breaking world news. I guess sometimes we forget to consider our sources when we decide we’re going to make a simple exchange of text messages via twitter into a story. Look at this, even I am dedicating a few moments of my time to comment on it. Although I won’t be commenting on just what Terrell Owens and Chad Ochocinco tweeted back and forth, I find it entertaining that someone is going to run with this as a real story, that both T.O. and Chad were really exchanging heated texts blaming each other; like these two were the brains of the operation and really understood the ills of Cincinnati. While there two were tweeting and texting I would not be surprise to find out that they were off together somewhere, tilting back a few cocktails and having a big laugh about the whole thing; remember we are talking about T.O. and Chad, they live for drama and the attention.

Palmer Still Wants Out
While other folks want to talk about who is blaming who for Carson Palmer wanting out the real story here is Palmer. He may not have achieved Icon status, but Palmer has likely earned his stripes to take this stand and like a few notable analysts on the NFL Network (Trent Green & Solomon Wilcox) I agree that he is likely to walk away from the game. He knows better than anyone, if he stays in Cincinnati he’s not going to win (a Super Bowl) and the window of opportunity at his age is rapidly closing. The Bengals are likely headed toward rebuilding and it only makes sense that Palmer realizes any chance at winning any time soon means he must leave Cincy. I find it hard to believe that the Bengal’s organization is going to take this hardline approach and like Green says; if they do “they’ll need a plan B.” Green goes on the state some of the reasons for Palmer’s frustrations in Cincinnati, but the bottom line and the only reason that should matter is “he’s tired of losing.” Had he been winning with all the changes, attitudes, disruptions, and divas, none of it would matter. In the NFL it’s all about winning and for Palmer, I am sure he feels its way past time for him to taste his share of sweet success.

By David Ortega

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